
       I am ps. B.B. athpahariya. I was born in a Athpahariya Rai family in Dhankuta, Danda Gaun, present day chulibon Dhankuta-7 on 30th November 1935. My parents were simple in living standard and with farming background. the means of living were cultivating land and keeping their livestock. They had to keep livestock for manure purpose. There were no irrigation facilities also. So cultivation was done as per the seasonal  rainfall. They used to work very hard on field. Oxen were used to plough the land. Despite  their hardship they could produce only little not enough for the family. We were four children in our family and I was the eldest since seven year of age  I began to help my parents in household work. I used to go to look after our cattle with my aunt. Sometimes under strong hot sun and sometimes wet by rainfall. We could do no thing except to tolerate or accept the situation.

       Mainly we athpahariya rai's are forefather spirit worshiper we worship our own past soul. Regarding our belief there is no any document where and how we adopted the concept. We are practicing this from generation to generation. We worship spirit and keep observe festival three times per year. We put offering by sacrificing piglets and chicken. We offered some home made wine. After the celebration we used to eat and drink and enjoy but sometimes over drink result noise and quarrelling.

In 1952 I was gone to Bihibare haat (every Thursday in Dhankuta there is a market day) where people come to sale and  to buy the things.

There two men were selling the booklet and distributing the tracts. I could buy from they a red cover booklet entitle way of salvation. I read it but could not understand well.

       Towards 1955 a group of people came to Dhankuta and run a mobile medical dispensary. When they needed a local helper they engaged me as a helper to help them into the dispensary. And then I came to know that before they started their day work they came together sang a song and each one read turn by turn one verse from the book. But I wonder which book was that they read amongst them. And they prayed and asked God to gave them wisdom and knowledge to accomplish the day work in a good manner. Working together in the dispensary month after months one day a staff shared to me about the word of the Bible and said Jesus it the son of God. It made me laugh. Brother Dewan asked me why I was laughing . Hesitatingly I replied him God have children and family. Brother Dewan turned the Bible and read for me.

"In the past God spoke to our forefather through the prophets at many times and in various way, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he made the universe."

Hebrews 1:1-2

       By these sentences of the Bible I understand more or less, God's plan for the mankinds. And then I was given a new testament. Began to read day by day when I reached Mathew 10:28- "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell." These word of the Bible penetrated into my spiritual mind and it made me to think spiritually. Personally knowing all these Biblical event I could not keep quiet and destroy my soul in hell. Therefore in 1957 when I was age of 22 I received Jesus Christ as a my personal savior and Lord. Since then I am working him with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength and serving him.

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